Brand Strategy:
Discovering new directions

Research is vital if you want to define brand issues, explore brand perceptions and find a new way forward with new brand proposition.


What are the key pushes and pulls in a category? What influences people's choices? How do they perceive brands in the space? How does their cultural context impact?  What qualities does the brand have that can most effectively build relationships with people?

We have a huge amount of experience in identifying relevant insight and turning it into sharp propositions or concepts to explore potential ways forward.

Some recent examples

Norton Motorcycles

Deep dive into brand perceptions of the classic British motorcycle brand to drive appeal to a new generation of bikers, and provide direction on early model design concepts.

Absolut Flavours

Exploration of new bottle design for the launch of a new range of vodka flavours, helping to develop fresh and distinct personality for range while staying true to the core brand.

Holiday Autos

Revealing the heaven and hell of holiday car hire to sharpen a new proposition for a brand refresh.

How we do it

We choose the methodology that will get the best results. We think about the people taking part: we design approaches and techniques that are supportive of the participants and project objectives.



Strategic Starters

We work with the client team to develop territories and write concepts to explore in research. When deciding which direction to go next, it is crucial that no territory is overlooked. An opportunity for open-minded thinking and fresh perspectives, early stages of research should start with a broad range of ideas, to reveal brand opportunities and limitations.

Focus Groups

Discursive and dynamic environment stimulates people to open up about their behaviour and deliver contextual insights as well as exploring their feelings and perceptions of brands.  Enabling techniques are always designed specifically for the objectives, category and audience. Ideal for concept exploration and co-creation.

Digital Qual

Our bespoke online platforms enable clients to connect with consumers in their lives, in their own time. Ideal for audience enlightenment with video or photo tasks, as well as capturing response to concepts, brand mapping and brand projective exercises.

Individual Depths

Designed to ensuring focus on the individual; their behaviours, decision-making, needs, and opinions. Use when individual responses to concepts are necessary. Works best for sensitive issues, or where status anxiety could influence reactions. Can be run online or offline.


Participant observation enables researchers to immerse themselves in the lives of consumers, exploring experiences, not testing hypotheses. Observing people up close in their own environment provides in-depth insight into their cultural context which can springboard strategic thinking. 

"Scout have the rare knack of gearing up and energising a focus group to get the strongest insights. They've not only been a delight to work with but they have also been instrumental in driving a truly customer-focused brand strategy for the years ahead. I'd have no hesitation in recommending them to other clients and look forward to working with them again in the future. Thanks again guys!” 

Lynda Stretton, Marketing Director, Benson for Beds

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